Services Physiotherapy


At HBF Physio, our qualified physiotherapists genuinely care. They use contemporary techniques to support our clients to recover, improve movement, reduce pain and revive activity.

No gap initial consult*

Eligible HBF members get a no gap initial general consult* with one of our physiotherapists.

*For eligible HBF members with physiotherapy extras at HBF Physio. Offer covers an initial general consultation. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Limit of one per person per calendar year. Waiting periods and other exclusions apply. View the full Terms & Conditions here.

Our physio services

Physiotherapists are experts at understanding movement within the human body. Our capable team of physiotherapists are trained to diagnose and treat injuries and conditions that cause pain – from short to long term. We focus on client centred care with individualised plans to help get you back to what you enjoy. We aim to deliver high quality care and service at every appointment and support our clients to continue to improve by completing exercises at home or taking on board professional advice to prevent future injuries.

Conditions we can help treat

It’s more than just an appointment, we’re committed to helping you achieve your best quality of life.

Poor PostureWhiplashArthritis & Osteoarthritis
Muscle TensionDisc BulgesPre and Post Natal Conditions
Shoulder ImpingementSporting ShoulderRepetitive Stress Injuries
Rotator Cuff InjuriesTennis ElbowPre and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Frozen ShoulderFractures & CastingSpinal Pain
Headaches & MigrainesMuscle Tears
Woman sitting on fitball with another woman helping her with her workout
Man in a wheelchair outdoors holding a 5kg medicine ball in his lap
Woman in active gear laughing after completing a workout

What to expect from your physiotherapist

  1. History
    Your qualified physio will always take the time to gather a comprehensive history about your presenting issue/complaint. This will enable them to better identify your problem and the underlying factors contributing to it.
  2. Management
    After your Physio has taken a thorough history they will perform an assessment of the way you move, assess muscle strength, joint range of motion and many other things to better understand your issue. They will then perform manual therapy techniques, prescribe you with appropriate exercises and educate you about how to best manage your issue.
  3. Home care
    Your physio will then help design an individualised treatment plan to help guide you back to your goals. This will be based on all the information your physio has gathered from your history and their assessment of your issue
  4. Self management
    All our HBF physio’s strive to help give you all the knowledge and tools, you need to become confident and empowered to move to your best quality of life.